Our mission

At BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, we believe promoting diversity, professional equality and inclusion is core to our social responsibility. It is a source of creativity, innovation, and efficiency.

We are committed to creating a working environment that is respectful of everyone, based on equality and where fighting discrimination is a key goal.


Our mission is reflected in our initiatives and commitments in 3 major areas :

Professional gender equality

In 2023, BNPParibas Leasing Solutions signed the #JamaisSansElles charter which promotes gender equality in all sectors of society. We committed not to participate in any event (internal, external, remote or in-person) with more than 3 speakers if a woman is not one of them. Learn more.

Our recruitment and HR policies also reflect our commitment to gender equality. Supporting females to gain access to more professional responsibilities and raising gender equality awareness among our managers.


We are committed to a policy which encourages disability inclusion in 4 major areas:

  • Recruitment of people with disabilities
  • Awareness-raising initiatives and employee training
  • Career development of people with disabilities
  • Procurement of services from the protected worker sector development

Multiculturalism and diversity of origins

As an international business, diversity of cultures and origins is at the heart of our mission. We aim to better represent diversity at all levels, to demonstrate the value of a multicultural company and to allow our coworkers to be their authentic selves in the workplace.

Training and awareness-raising campaigns throughout the year

We organize a wide variety of events from round tables, webinars, meetings, and conferences to mandatory employee training to ensure our coworkers are committed to respecting people, diversity and opportunity equity.

Our social networks

To learn more about our initiatives, get an insight into working life at BNPParibas Leasing Solutions and see behind the scenes at our events follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram.